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    Playboy Africa - February 2018

    Playboy Africa - February 2018

    Playboy Africa - типичное местное издание мужского образа жизни Африки. Плейбой был основан в 1953 году, и это самый продаваемый ежемесячный журнал для мужчин в мире! Ни один другой журнал не развлекает вас с качеством, стилем и голой правдой Плейбоя. В каждом номере самые красивые в мире женщины, советы о сексе без цензуры, интервью знаменитостей, фантастика и юмор, известные карикатуры и анекдоты, стимулирующие статьи и, конечно, роскошные радующие глаз фотомодели.


    TECH. From delivery bots to app-assisted birth control, we take a look at tech to expect in 2018 24
    TV. New miniseries Waco and returning Hulu standout The Path challenge the way we think about cults in America 26
    ART. Meet five members of Creatives for Climate: cutting-edge artists reinventing the Rabbit for a good cause 28
    PICTORIAL. Bree Leigh, the fitness model who loves to shop and oozes positivity and good vibes 30
    IS THIS GUY FOR REAL? Box Brown gives the comics treatment to Andy Kaufman’s Playmate wrestling match 38
    INTERVIEW. Christie Hefner opens up about her years at the helm of Playboy and her relationship with Hef 42
    COVER FEATURE. Tricia Danieli, the musician, model and artist has her sights set on making it to the big time 50
    YEAR IN SEX. Pull on your pussy hat and get ready to review 2017's biggest sex stories 58
    PICTORIAL. Jenny Garza, the mermaid dreamboat with big dreams and even bigger goals 64
    FICTION. Secrets, silence and survival in What She Saw by Ariel Dorfman 72
    20Q. Cillian Murphy reflects on Peaky Blinders and the perils of being pigeonholed 78
    PROFILE. Following US Senator Jeff Flake in the days before and after his shattering announcement 82
    PICTORIAL. Courtney Willet, the girl of many talents, this beauty loves staying fit and living life to the fullest 86
    ADVISOR. We answer your questions on love and football plus so much more! 94
    POLITICS. Republicans control the political landscape; will Trump torpedo their shot at hanging on to power? 96
    ON THE COVER. Tricia Danieli, photography by Luis Gomez

    Издательство: Playboy Enterprises International
    Год издания: 2018
    Жанр: Мужской журнал
    Формат: True PDF
    Язык: Английский
    Качество: Отличное
    Иллюстрации: Цветные
    Страниц: 100
    Размер: 22.1 Мб

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    Категория: Журналы | Добавил: Lesly (04.02.2018)
    Просмотров: 605 | Теги: Playboy, Australia, Мужской журнал | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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